Faith. Unity. Sharing. Everyday.
Kid’s don’t have to wait until they grow up to live their life for Christ. Anniston First is a place where kids can develop a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. A great place to make new friends, play, laugh, and all the while learning about God.
Sunday Mornings
Nursery is available from 8:45 AM to 12:00 AM each Sunday (1st floor)
10:00 AM Sunday school 1st-6th (2nd floor)
252: it equips kids from 1st through 6th grade with basic truths. In fact, when a kid transitions into middle school, we want that child to have experienced and own three basic truths modeled by Jesus in Luke 2:52 (light bulb moment—now you know what the 252 means):
• I need to make the wise choice.
• I can trust God no matter what.
• I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
These truths are reinforced each week in an easy-to-use curriculum that is designed to put your mind at ease and your heart into overdrive.
So that’s the foundation, but we do more than teaching three basic ideas. We also take kids into the heart of God’s Big Story.
10:00 AM Sunday school Toddler to K (1st floor)
FIRST LOOK (Preschool – K): INCITES WONDER helping preschoolers embrace a God who is bigger than their imagination.
Music (Sept-May)
Sing n' Sprout (Babies, Toddlers, and Not-quite-Threes!)
Wednesdays at 4:30 - W203, upstairs in Wesley Hall. Each "Lil Sprout" brings a grown-up to sing and play with them.
Carol Choir (ages 3-5)
Rehearsals: Wednesday 4:30-5:15 pm - Wesley Hall, W205 - Children’s Choir Room
Crusader Choir (grades 1-3)
Rehearsals: Wednesday 4:30-5:25 pm - Asbury Hall, A105 - Children’s Choir Room
Celebration Singers (grades 4-6)
Rehearsals: Wednesday 4:30-5:25 pm - Choir Room in Sanctuary basement
Blast: “Where kids can have a BLAST learning God’s Word.” (Sept-May)
Wednesday nights after fellowship dinner. Games and activities 6:00 – 7:00 PM.
Older children (6th grade) are encourage to go through Confirmation. Confirmation groups meet for class time, fellowship, fun activities, and a weekend retreats for several weeks that culminate with special recognition in a worship service in the Spring.
Children, beginning in 3rd grade, may serve as an acolyte for the traditional service. Training sessions are held during the year. Being an acolyte teaches the children how they can give back to the church though their service. Acolytes carry in the cross, light candles, and help with Holy Communion.
3rd Grade Bibles
Third graders receive a Bible from the church in the fall of each year.
Easter Egg Hunt
A church-wide family Easter Egg Hunt is held at Camp Lee Farm. Several egg hunts, for all ages, are planned.
Day Camps
Children who have completed K5 through 5th grade can participate in the Day Camps. They take place at Camp Lee Farm. Activities include interactive devotions, crafts, hiking, swimming, canoeing and much more.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is held in the evening, usually in June. There is a story time, arts and crafts, playground time, evening meal and many more activities where children learn about the Bible, Jesus, and what they should do to lead a Christian life.
Fall Festival
The Fall Festival is held on the last Sunday afternoon in October at Camp Lee. Family fun includes various activities, hayrides, and games. The day ends with roasting marshmallows at a bonfire.
Be a kid! We love to have fun! Activities are always ongoing and include holiday parties, games, lock-ins, and vacation Bible school. Summer time activities include picnics, swimming at Camp Lee, skating and AirWalk.